Accommodation Polanica Zdrój - we invite you to Villa Małgosia in Polanica Zdrój

Attractions of Polanica Zdrój and the surrounding area

We strongly encourage you to become familiar with our guidebook on Polanica Zdrój's and the surrounding area's top tourist attractions.

Polanica Zdrój

The spa Polanica Zdrój is located in the picturesque valley of the Bystrzyca Dusznicka river at the altitude of 380 - 410 m. It issurrounded by the Sudety Mountains with their exceptional National Park of Góry Stołowe. The unique climatic conditions, the mineral water springs and the well-developed facilities for treatment and rehabilitation as well as sports and recreation put Polanica in the leading position among Polish spas. The central part of the spa is taken by the Spa Park where the variety of native plants is completed by interesting exotic vegetation and original floral carpets. In the Park there is the Mineral Water Well-room, the Physiotherapy Centre (a rich choice of treatments, the iodine-salt cave Galos), the Spa Theatre, the sanatorium Wielka Pieniawa (with a swimming-pool). Polanica also boasts of interesting walking and biking routes.