Accommodation Polanica Zdrój - we invite you to Villa Małgosia in Polanica Zdrój


On-line booking

Please fill all necessary fields, especially those regarding your personaldata:
Type and amount of the booked rooms:
  • Each reservation must be confirmed by us. Notconfirmed reservations are not valid.
  • When booking, a deposit of 30% of the cost of the stay is required. Failure to pay the deposit within the time specified in the booking confirmation is tantamount to the cancellation of the booking.
  • Hotelday starts at 2pm and ends at 11 noon next day.
  • Guests may check in between 2pm and 10pm.
  • Payment for your stay will be charged in cash at check-in for the wholeduration of your booking/stay.
  • Persons wishing to receive a VAT invoice for a business entity are required to provide the NIP number at the stage of making the reservation (before making the payment for the stay). In the case of issuing a receipt for a natural person, it is impossible to issue a VAT invoice later for the company.

Payment method information


Bank transfer

Bank account number

04 1020 5112 0000 7102 0007 4435